AIOU Solved Assignments Autumn 2022

  • 402 - Economics
  • 1508
  • 0

Consumer Equilibrium, Indifference Curve, Income-consumption curve with diagram

402 - Economics | Autumn 2022 | Assignment No 1 | Question No 3| How do you explain the consumer equilibrium with the help of indifference curves? Also discuss the concept of income-consumption curve with the help of a diagram.

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  • 402 - Economics
  • 482
  • 0

Utility, Marginal Utility, Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility explanation with table and diagram

402 - Economics | Autumn 2022 | Assignment No 1 | Question No 2| Is utility another name of usefulness? After discussing marginal utility, define law of diminishing marginal utility. Also explain this law with the help of a table having hypothetical data and the diagram drawn on the basis of this hypothecal table.

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  • 402 - Economics
  • 360
  • 0

Definition of Economics based upon notions of ends, means and alternative uses

402 - Economics | Autumn 2022 | Assignment No 1 | Question No 1| Which definition of economics is based upon the notions of ends, means and alternative uses. Also discuss why the said definition is preferred over all other definitions.

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